Maps type including: google street maps, google satellite maps, google terrain maps, google hybrid maps, bing street maps, bing satellite maps, bing hybrid maps, OpenStreetMap normal map, OpenStreetMap transport, OpenStreetMap cycle map, OpenStreetMap humanitarian, Yandex map, Yandex satellite, ovi street map, ovi satellite map, ovi terrain map, ovi hybrid map, mapquest normal map, mapquest satellite, ordnance survey maps, a mapping satellite, Cq satellite, qq terrain, qq map, baidu satellite, baidu map, the national map, Mappy, ArcGis Online, ViaMichelin, Whereis, etc.
Key Features:
Universal Maps Downloader Free & Safe Download!
Universal Maps Downloader Latest Version!
Works with All Windows versions
Users choice!
Simple and easy to use interface.
Provide results in a short period of time.
It allows you to select the type of map.
Use a very low amount of system resources
Lets you select which map type you’d like to download before you get started (Google street, satellite as well as terrain maps, Yahoo Street or satellite maps, Bing maps, etc.).
It gives you the ability to adjust the zoom level and input the latitude to ensure that you only see the parts of the map that you need to.
Shows you the number of downloaded images as soon as you initiate the downloading process.
Saves a handy log file with all of your activities that you can refer to whenever you’d like.
Universal Maps Downloader Crack allows you to convert degrees, minutes and seconds to degrees, and re-download failed images.
It gives you the ability to combine maps if you’d like.
Easy configuration of proxy settings.
Uses low system resources.
System Requirements for Universal Maps Downloader: